

DOOBIE BROTHERS「Hit The Trail」(RQ-113) 1DVD-R/142min.Pro-Shot

¥2,000 税込
商品コード: RQ-113
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ウドーミュージック・フェスでの来日も大盛況のDOOBIE BROTHERSの70年代全盛期の輝かしい、LIVEをオールプロショットで収録。全部当時のテレビ映像のものなので貴重です。この映像からもわかるように、当時のバンドは、ヒット曲連発、時代と一体感のグルーヴ、まさにどこをとっても一級品のLIVE!全ロックリスナー必見!メニュー画面・チャプターつき、国内の標準的なデッキでご覧になれます。◆Don Kirshner's Rock Concert TV Show 1973 Intro / Jam (Road Angel) - China Grove - Long Train Runnin' - Clear As The Driven Snow - Without You [Tom Johnston - guitar & vocals, John Hartman - drums & percussion, Pat Simmons - guitar & vocals, Tiran Porter - bass & vocals, Michael Hossack ? drums] ◆Soundstage at WTTW Studios, Chicago, Illinois Nov. 1977 Introduction - China Grove - Takin' It To The Streets - Michael piano solo bridge - Sweet Maxine - It Keeps You Runnin' - For Someone Special (cut) - Interview John & Pat - I Cheat The Hangman (cut) -
- You're Made That Way - Echoes of Love - Interview Tiran & Keith - Take Me In Your Arms - Chinatown (cut) - Interview Jeff, Michael & Bobby - Little Darlin' - Black Water - Listen To The Music [Michael McDonald - keyboard & vocals, John Hartman ? drums, Pat Simmons - guitar & vocals, Tiran Porter - bass & vocals, Keith Knudsen - drums & vocals, Jeff "Skunk" Baxter ? guitar, Bobby LaKind - drums & percussion] ◆Soundstage at Alpine Valley Music Theatre, Alpine Valley, Wisconsin July 1979 Introduction - Take Me In Your Arms - Clear As The Driven Snow - Don't Stop To Watch The Wheels - (Interview John) / Minute By Minute - Jesus Is Just Alright - (off shot) / Long Train Runnin' - Dependin' on You - Black Water / (Interview Chet & Michael) - Pat & John acoustic guitar instrumental - Takin' It To The Streets - I Cheat The Hangman - China Grove - What A Fool Believes - Listen To The Music [Pat Simmons - guitar & vocals, Michael McDonald - keyboard & vocals, Tiran Porter - bass & vocals, Keith Knudsen - drums & vocals, John McFee - guitar, pedal steel guitar, violin & vocals, Cornelius Bumpus - keyboards, horns, flute, vocals, Chet MrCracken ? drums]

