商品コード: MGSM-026
ビートルズ、貴重な海外のテレビ放送映像コンピレーションが、ビートルズ関連映像専門レーベルMIDGET SUBMARINEより待望のリリース!当時のビートルズの熱狂的なムーヴメント、世界的スケールの人気の証明映像。1964年のオーストラリア、北米のツアーの模様がドキュメントされています。リヴァプールから現れた20世紀最大のアーティスト、ビートルズの時代背景を知ることにかかせない刺激的なコンピレーション集の登場です。
Various TV Stations around the world of raw footage material complete and unedited
1. Adelaide, Australia Special June 12 through 14, 1964 with Centennial Hall Concert audio Australian And New Zealand 1964
2. Adelaide Australian TV News June 13, 1964 3. Adelaide South Australian Hotel Balcony appearance June 13, 1964
4. Sydney Mascot Airport Australian TV Interview Ringo and Brian Epstein June 14, 1964
5. Sydney Mascot Airport Australian TV Interview Ringo and Brian Epstein June 14, 1964 pt.2
6. Melbourne Essendon Airport Ringo and Brian Epstein Arrive Southern Cross Hotel 5 Beatles on a Balcony June 14, 1964
7. Melbourne Town Hall Beatles with Lord Mayor Balcony Appearance June 16, 1964
8. Melbourne Festival Hall June 16, 1964 9. Sydney Australian TV News June 18, 1964 Macot Airport Arrival, Sheraton Motel
10. Brisbane Airport Arrival Lennons Hotel Motel June 29, 1964
North American Tour
11. San Francisco International Airort August 18, 1964 12. Denver, Co Red Rocks Ampitheatre Interviews with the locals August 26, 1964
13. Denver, Co Red Rocks Ampitheater Press Conference August 26.1964 14. Cincinnati Ohio Interviews with the locals August 27, 1964
15. Cincinnati Gardens After the show August 27, 1964